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Our people are the foundation of our business.  Their happiness, well-being and future are of paramount importance.  We have fostered and built a family feeling company over the years, with open two-way dialogue, caring and sharing.


AMC people come from a wide range of backgrounds, academic and work experience.  We are always keen to offer young people a start, whether they are fresh graduates or juniors, as the young are the future of our company and society. Above all, we are looking for colleagues who have the right attitude, character and character and a willingness to think and work proactively and creatively, which is more important than paper qualifications….

Our teams across Asia come from a wide variety of backgrounds and experience.  Apart from those with Convention & Exhibition Management training (20%), we have the same number from Architecture and Environmental Design.  Others come from Finance, Marketing, Hotel Management, Tourism, Social Studies.


And when they are not working, you can find AMC team members  enjoying a wide variety of pastimes and hobbies, from sailing, paragliding, marathon racing to making ceramic, cookies and pizza!

The nature of the exhibitions/events business is cyclical, and sometimes long hours are needed, particularly on-site.  To provide a balance we endorse flexible working, and encourage a “family first” approach to work and life.  We are proud to say this has resulted in a happy working environment with a low staff turnover rate. When some colleagues do move on to new jobs, industries or other locations in the world, they will always remain part of our AMC family.


Given that many of our team are young and very conscious of the environment, many have openly challenged the sustainability credentials of the exhibition and events industry.  This inspires all of us at AMC to look critically at our business model and identify the areas where we can improve our sustainability.


We also make an effort to employ older people as temporary staff whenever possible, and we have many mature citizens who work

onsite at events, and their dedication, enthusiasm and hard work is exemplary.


AMC staff have regular gatherings and team activities, which includes volunteering for charity work and supporting local communities.


Some organizations supported by AMC include:


Vocational Training Council, Food Angel, Gratia Foundation, Guangxi Primary School and Sailability


The ongoing training and development of our teams is key and AMC provides internal and external training, overseas visits and staff exchange/secondment.


Health and Safety training is an important aspect of our business, minding the work environment in which we operate and AMC is proud to have been one of the leaders locally in this area.  We helped introduce specific IOSH training for our industry in Hong Kong,

and we had many staff in the first qualifying group.  In addition, AMC was an early adopter of providing appropriate PPE to all staff working on-site. 


AMC also takes on expert Health & Safety consultants to provide refresher training and provide onsite support at specific events where we have identified a higher level of risk around our work activities.

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