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the majority of lighting now used is LED, as we have been investing steadily in LED products in recent years.  95% of exhibition stands, whether system based, or custom-made, are lit with LED lighting.


the use across almost the entire industry of needle punch carpeting as standard is highly problematic.  This type of carpeting contains VOCs and is mostly one-use only.  For some years in Hong Kong AMC has initiated and championed the use of 100% polypropylene carpeting, which is recyclable, working with a local manufacturer and a large international exhibition organizer client.


Unfortunately, the recycling process required used carpet to be shipped to Europe, as local recycling was no longer available, so this practice was discontinued.  However, AMC continued to search for viable alternatives, and we have taken the decision to invest in reusable polypropylene carpet tiles, and our stock of this sustainable product is steadily increasing. We are actively promoting carpet tiles as a sustainable solution to our clients.

Signage & Structures

We have developed and are transitioning to the use of “Frame & Fabric” for raw space bespoke design stands, lightboxes, offices, lounges etc.  Frame & Fabric has many sustainability advantages – it eliminates much of the single-use wooden materials, which often end up in a landfill, or incinerator.  It is safer to use, provides a cleaner work environment onsite, and is less bulky, drastically reducing the number of vehicles used to and from the exhibition venues.  We believe Frame & Fabric is a very sustainable alternative to traditional single used wooden construction, particularly in Asia, given the typical work practices that prevail.  AMC is actively developing Frame & Fabric solutions, and working with a wide variety of international clients on the adoption of this system.


AMC now only uses water-based paints, having eliminated oil-based paints from our production process.


Leveraging on our storage and warehousing capability, AMC has invested in a wide range of reusable furniture and fittings.  Again, our goal is to eliminate single-use materials, including exhibitors who want to bring in their own furniture and fittings to events, then dispose of at the close of the show.

Green Features

We actively encourage clients to incorporate live greenery into their designs.  Planting of herbs and plants means that exhibitors' staff and their clients can take displays home, to share happiness and extend the "zero waste" message.